Offer creation blueprint and templates to go from idea to launch fast!

Unsure how to quickly and efficiently plan, launch and profit from a product offer?

Done “winging it” every time you want to create a new product and/or over waiting what feels like a lifetime to get your offers into the hands of the clients who actually need them?

You’re running a business after all—the sooner you release a great product, the better because time is of the essence as you make good on the promises you’ve made to your current clients and customers.

7-Day Offer Creation Map

Which is why I know you’re going to LOVE the “7-Day Offer Creation Map” project kit!

You’ll get access to a 48-page step-by-step marketing plan, templates, checklists and more to help you go from shrugging off your big ideas to selling your brand new creations in just ONE week!

Check this package:

1) Offer Creation Map – Use this template to map out your best offer in the least number of steps.

2) Offer Build-Out Blueprint – Use this template to build a blueprint for your offers. It will flow more easily if you work backwards at this stage.

3) Funnel Map Worksheet – Use this worksheet to plan and optimize your sales funnel.

4) Launch Promo Calendar – Use this template to create your 7-day calendar for launch promotions.

5) Pre-Selling Offer Templates – Use this template as a guide to pre-selling your offer before you’ve even put it together. Use feedback to gauge interest and tweak your product as you create.

6) E-Mail Launch Templates – Use these 7 e-mail templates to start promoting your new offer.

7) Sales Scripts Templates – Use this template as a guide to deciding what type of sales approach will best suit your 7-day offer e-mails and ads. Sales conversations are a process, and it’s all about the segues—the journey through the conversation. These scripts will help you create conversations that flow.

8) Bundle Creation Worksheet – Use this worksheet to assess your existing content and determine which materials work best bundled together.

9) 4 Evergreen Sales E-Mail Templates – Use these e-mail templates to craft e-mails for all your evergreen offers, so you can run this completely automated funnel any time and round up more sales.

10) Ad Domination Template – Use this template to make sure you’ve taken advantage of every tactic to create powerful ads.

11) Solution Architect Worksheet – Use this worksheet to decide what you need in a solution architect—the person who devises and implements the right types of solutions for streamlining your business.

12) Bump Offer Checklist – Use this checklist to ensure you create the most relevant and helpful bump offer possible.

13) Content Creation Checklist – Use this checklist to create the most interesting, relevant, and effective content sure to please your ideal paying customer.

14) Offer Creation Checklist – Use this checklist to ensure you create the best and most irresistible offer for your perfect paying market.

15) Launch Checklist – Use this checklist to ensure you cover each step of this and every launch.

16) Promotion Schedule Checklist – Use this checklist to keep your promotions on target.

17) Social Strategy Checklist – Use this checklist to make sure you set the best social media promotional strategy possible.

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