[$100 Discount] Grow your organic traffic in a 10-day sprint

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) might not be the shiny new marketing trend people obsess about anymore, but holy moly is it still important.

Over half of all Internet traffic is referred to websites through Google; that’s x10 more than any other social media platform, including Facebook and Instagram!

But isn’t SEO dead?

Don’t you have to be some kind of whiz kid SEO expert who spends all day digging through expensive keyword research tools and complicated spreadsheets to even have a chance at ranking small business content in the Google search results?

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And that’s exactly why Thrive Themes just relaunched one of their most sold online courses designed specifically for busy solopreneurs like you to ’80/20′ the daylights out your much needed SEO efforts.

It’s called SEO Sprint, and it’s designed to help you implement a content creation framework that will get you 80% of the organic traffic gains with just 20% of the time and effort most SEO experts invest.

So if you want to learn how to identify, target and win highly specific and value-driven keywords for your online business—repeatedly and as efficiently as possible—and start growing your website’s monthly visitors with highly targeted Google search traffic, you definitely need to check out SEO Sprint.

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