[Dime Sale] “Limiting Beliefs” PLR Bundle

Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs are the kinds of beliefs that you see about yourself, the people around you and the world as a whole.

These beliefs are not actual beliefs but ones your brain and subconscious makeup for one reason or another. To change a limiting belief means to live a healthier, happier life…as if it were magic.

The majority of people are unaware of the beliefs they have about themselves—in how they shape the experiences they have, their thoughts and decisions. What you have to understand about limiting beliefs is that they’re not true.

For some people, knowing what their limiting beliefs are is easy. For others, it’s a bit more complex.

The surefire way in which to learn about your limiting beliefs is to ask yourself every day what you think about yourself, other people, work, money, etc.

Your response and interactions on a daily basis will give you a good idea of what you believe.

It’s not possible to find all your limiting beliefs and get rid of them all at one time. No, the best thing for you is to take small steps with the help of Daniel Taylor’s “Limiting Beliefs” PLR package.

It is packed with 10 modules and 3 unique bonuses:

Module 1: High-Quality E-Book
Module 2: Checklist
Module 3: Resource Cheat Sheet
Module 4: Complete 5-Page Minisite
Module 5: Unique Promotional Sales Videos
Module 6: Awesome High-Quality Advertising Banners
Module 7: 10 Unique High Quality PLR Articles
Module 8: 10 Social Media Posters
Module 9: Fully Professional Source Graphic Files
Module 10: License Package

3 Unique Bonuses you’re also getting:

Fast Action Bonus #1 – PLR Mentor – 26 Part Training Video Course
Fast Action Bonus #2 – PLR Honey
Fast Action Bonus #3 – Private Facebook PLR Group

This course covers some of the following:

How Can You Eliminate Your Limiting Beliefs?
It’s Time To Face The Reality Behind Your Limiting Beliefs.
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What You Must Do To Clear Your Limiting Beliefs.
Recognize What Your Limiting Beliefs Are.
How Self-Limiting Beliefs Are Affecting You Physically, Emotionally and Mentally.
How You Can Overcome Those Limiting Beliefs To Take Your Life Back.
Challenge Your Beliefs With Questions.
How You Can Change Limiting Beliefs Into Empowering Affirmations.
Turn Your Limiting Beliefs Into Empowering Ones.
What Are The Types Of Limiting Beliefs.
Reframe Your Beliefs To Change Them.
Become Self-Aware To Give Power To Your Beliefs.
Key Ways You Can Develop Your Beliefs.
When Does Limiting Beliefs Turn Into Convictions?
How To Know What Beliefs You Have?
Where Are Limiting Beliefs Coming From?
Your Attitude Dictates Success.
And MUCH More…

Here are some ideas you can be doing with this product:

Sell the guide individually.
Give away one of them to build your list, and then drip-feed the rest of a period.
Use the package as blog content.
Create a Kindle e-book from them to sell on Amazon.
Put your name as the author.
Create a real book from it.
You can resell it as is.
Build a list from it.
Translate the content to other languages.
Use it for offline clients, coaching, speaking.
Turn it into a physical product.
Use the product as a bonus.
Use it as an upsell for your product.
Edit, modify, add and manipulate the content.

Plus much, much more!

Get instant access to this fresh, new PLR package for less than $10 now!