PLR Offer: “Busting Your Money Blocks” Planner

Do you know the mental money blocks that are preventing you from getting rich?

Most probably not. The truth is these blocks reside in your subconscious for longer than you would dare to admit, but we can be hesitant to “man up” and confront them.

Some of the crap we carry about money is honestly ridiculous.

“Wealthy people are greedy.” I call B.S. Some of the most generous, kind people I know are wealthy. Having more money and power makes it easier to make a difference and an impact with the causes that pull at your heart.

“I just want to help people. I’m not doing this to get rich.” Oh, no. As long as you think this thought, you surely won’t be. You CAN help people AND become wealthy doing so.

Busting Your Money Blocks

CoachGlue releases their latest planner called “Busting Your Money Blocks” and if you grab it soon, you can save nearly 50%—no coupon needed.

Also let you know that there is a special Money Mindset Bundle offer that you’ll see after you get the planner.

With the Money Mindset Bundle, you’ll get both of these for 75% off:

• Money Mindset to Help You Soar Workshop ($297 value)
• 7 Ways to Manifest More Money in Your Business ($97 value)

If you want the Money Mindset Bundle only, you can get it here.

Both these packages will be very helpful towards enlightening your clients about their own money beliefs.