PLR Offer: “50 Ways to Crush the Things That Are Keeping You from Happiness and Success” PLR Package

50 Ways to Crush the Things That Are Keeping You from Happiness and Success

CoachGlue has pulled out a special report from their archive for a special promotion.

Get your copy of the “50 Ways to Crush the Things That Are Keeping You from Happiness and Success” report, checklist and social media posts.

What can you do with this?

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• Turn each of the 50 things into its own blog post.
• Record each of the 50 things as a FB live video.
• Choose 30 of these ideas and do a 30-day happiness challenge.
• Create a 30- or 50-day happiness autoresponder series by simply copying and pasting these into your autoresponder.
• Turn this entire report into an opt-in on your blog as a content upgrade.
• Include it as a fast-action bonus when people sign up for your other courses.
• Turn the 50 social media blurbs into graphics to increase engagement and/or to drive traffic to any or all of the above.