Website legal forms to cover your @ss!

Legal Forms Generator

OK, if you’ve been in the Internet Marketing game and have started making money, the following checklist should seem basic to you:

[ ] Product or service buyers want
[ ] Website (duh!)
[ ] Traffic (preferably lots of it and cheap)
[ ] Conversion (always improving that, right?)
[ ] List (you have one, I hope)
[ ] A growing income that lets you live your Dream

Yeah, if you’re profitable online, you probably have these 6 items checked.

But what about this one?

[ ] Cover your @ss

What do I mean by that?

It’s simple.

Have you protected your business and yourself against lawsuits and government agencies that would love to shut you down, strip you of your assets, and toss your butt in Club Fed?

Did you know that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recently issued guidelines for Internet marketing?

Did you know that there are now lawyers who specialize in suing website owners and companies that exist for the purpose of finding website owners like you who they can sue?

If not, you need to look past “the Dream” and open your eyes to the nightmare side of Internet Marketing.

Here’s a golden nugget all successful business owners have learned (offline and online)…

If you’re making money, someone is going to want to take it from you.

Might be tomorrow, might be a few years from now.

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That someone could be a competitor, an unhappy customer, or the government.

Lawsuits can bankrupt you, even if you win. At best, they steal valuable time from your business. At worst, they’ll leave you deeply in debt, stripped of everything you have.

As for government agencies taking an interest in your business, I have two words that should send a shiver down your spine:


But there’s a way to protect yourself and I think it’s “a deal you can’t refuse.”

Unless you’re a complete idiot.

And, yeah, there’s a bunch of those in business.

If you’re not one of those idiots, take a look at what Attorney Mike Young, President of the Internet Attorneys Association LLC, put together for online marketers.

Mike has represented some of the most successful online marketers in the business.

But he’s not cheap.

Many marketers who haven’t hit the big time simply can’t afford to hire him.

And Mike knows this, which is why he decided to put this together.

It’s an affordable website legal forms software package that protects you from most trouble in 17 minutes or less!

With this software, I was able to create all the legal forms I needed in less than 12 minutes.

No need to steal forms from other marketers and risk getting sued by them.

Plus, having proper legal forms on your site can improve your SEO.

Pick up your copy right now and cover your @ss!

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