PLR Offer: “How To Use The Power Of Manifestation” Content Bundle

Why do some folks seem to effortlessly reach their goals while others struggle to make any headway?

The answer may lie in the potency of manifestation along with proper goal setting.

While the roots of manifestation can be traced back to ancient spiritual practices like the Law of Attraction, Yoga and Buddhism, it has gained modern popularity through its inclusion in popular self-help literature.

These days, many self-help experts and coaches use manifestation methods to aid them in their practice to help their clients accomplish goals.

Manifestation is a powerful tool used by cultures and religions around the world. Visualization, positive thinking and taking inspired action ensure people achieve their goals, create financial abundance and live happier lives. Ancient wisdom has taught for centuries that harnessing your inner power is the key to success in every area of life.

Piggy Makes Bank’s “How To Use The Power Of Manifestation” PLR package will teach your readers how this powerful tool will help them reach their goals.

With the content, you share helpful tips and advice via e-mails going out each day that guide and challenge readers to follow along.

This large bundle includes:

• 30 quality articles—perfect for blog posts
• 30 e-mail messages written to promote each of the blog posts
• 30 social media posts so you can put Facebook and X marketing on autopilot
• A compilation e-book of all articles. Use it as a content upgrade offer, a paid product, or a valuable bonus for one of your own info-products
• “Manifesting Your Desires: A Practical Guide To Achieving Your Goals” e-book (6,255 words) and workbook
• “How To Run An E-Mail Challenge” guide