Head to the beach while your VA runs your launch

Are you starting every launch from scratch? That might explain why it’s so stressful and exhausting.

But what if launching could be easy instead?

What if you had something that is plug-and-play and you can hand it off to your VA…no contact, no questions, no variables, so that:

✓ You could get rid of all of the decision fatigue and just follow an easy, effective plan to hit $10k in sales.

✓ Your launch could just flow, without you having to “show up” and “be switched on” all the time.

✓ From now on launching would be so easy, you can literally be on vacation while your launch runs without you.

It’s time to create your own plug-and-play launch system so you can stop over-complicating and start making sales.

10K Launch Plan Playbook

That’s where my friend Melissa Ingold’s 10K Launch Plan Playbook comes in. It’s a launch manual so clear and comprehensive, your VA can launch for you.

Customize it for your business and hand it off to your team so they’ll know exactly what to do when it’s launch time.