PLR Offer: “Abundance Workshop: More Flow, More Money, More Fun!” Course Package With Full Rights

It’s true: All of us can feel more abundant—no matter how much or little we have in this very moment.

Are your clients currently feeling like this?

– Constantly feeling like their wins (monetary or not) aren’t big or “shiny” enough

– Chasing every penny (read: taking on every client and opportunity, even if they’re not truly aligned) because they feel like they need to “keep up”

– Ending each day feeling like they didn’t do enough, make enough money or “move forward” enough

– Thinking about how much more incredible that one influencer’s life is—in every single way—than theirs

What if instead, they could learn tried-and-trusted tools and techniques for loving their lives, their work, their clients and their ‘stuff’ right now while simultaneously calling in their next level of abundance!

Abundance Workshop: More Flow, More Money, More Fun!

And what if—with the right guidance—it could all happen faster than they thought possible? It can. And that’s where YOU waltz in with your new course produced by CoachGlue: “Abundance Workshop: More Flow, More Money, More Fun!

In this step-by-step course, you’ll share a fresh way to look at abundance and create more of it in every area of your clients’ lives—from money to relationships to health and more.

When you start with the done-for-you script, journal prompts and exercises, your clients will learn how to:

✓ Stop feeling like they “never have enough” and transform any feelings of lack into deep feelings of appreciation

✓ Create a solid gratitude practice that enhances their experience of daily life—and turns them into a total magic and joy magnet to boot

✓ Cultivate more fun and flow with simple, straightforward practices (most that don’t cost a dime!)

✓ Detach, forgive and easily let go of what they don’t want, so they have room to magnetize what they do want

Attracting abundance doesn’t have to feel like a chore. This course will open your clients’ eyes to the meaning of what true abundance is and give them the tools they need to create copious amounts of it in every area of their life—from love to career to finances.

What if this was their new reality:

✓ Waking up every morning deeply satisfied with their lives, work and looking forward to what’s on their to do list that day

✓ Opportunities, people and synchronicities galore

✓ Finally feeling like what they have is “good enough” (no matter what they have!)

✓ Breaking through limiting beliefs about what they deserve and feeling more confident, inspired and excited about what they already have–and what they are capable of!

✓ No longer feeling resentful, jealous or comparing themselves to everyone on their Facebook or Instagram feed

✓ Believing in their bones that another’s success has zero effect on what THEY can have

✓ Feeling crazy-positive about themselves, about their current circumstances and their future!

If you want those things for your clients (and who doesn’t?!), then this new course is for you!

This course includes these 4 lesson modules:

Lesson 1: Mastering the Abundance Mindset
Lesson 2: Appreciate the Good and Watch It Grow
Lesson 3: Cultivate Joy for Epic Expansion and Growth
Lesson 4: Free Up Space for Ultimate Prosperity

You also get access to done-for-you workbook filled with exercises and worksheets to use with your clients. And of course, to help you sell your course you also have a livestream script, sales page copy, promo e-mails and more!

Use this package to help your clients expand their capacity to experience and receive abundance right now!