PLR Offer: Do your clients have big goals, but lack execution?

A lot of people have big goals but fizzle out quickly. Many think it’s because they are not motivated.

The truth is a combination of things. Among them, people are giving themselves too much time. When they have a year to do something, they tend to procrastinate. Or, get discouraged.

The solution is to shorten the time into 12-week sprints. Long enough to accomplish some bigger tasks and short enough they can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

The 12 Week Sprint Planner from Thrive Anywhere will give your clients a new burst of energy and get things done, especially in the first and last quarter of the year. You can help them revive their goals and start/finish the year strong.

This complete, 110-page planner will help your clients:

Eye and vision examination pharmacy cialis were performed before and after the study, including a specific test that detect retinal disease. The study findings, Sommer and colleagues note that this intensive workshop model is sufficient for managers to introduce new strategies in their working environment, but without additional support cheap tadalafil pills fewer than ten percent will persist long enough to integrate the new skills in the workshop setting. This license is a sanction from the authorities that the possessor of this registered paper is competent enough to drive a vehicle on the roads and will not be cialis 100mg tablets able to concentrate on anything. Each session is different as there are many techniques used so that a person feels relaxed. viagra online australia 1) Sift the chaff from the wheat to focus on one must-tackle goal
2) Clarify their ‘why’ for this goal
3) Methodically break down the goal into weekly action plans
4) Set the game plan for the week
5) Work daily towards this goal
6) Review their actions so they stay on track

You can sell the planner as a standalone printable, a trip wire or a bump offer item to increase your average sale value.

What’s more, you’ll get professionally edited workbook mockups, social media texts and images you can use to promote it. All you have to do is download it, brand, and start selling.

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