Time-Limited Offer: Productivity & Time Management Planner

Productivity & Time Management Planner

Nicole Dean and Melissa Ingold at CoachGlue just released a brand new planner called “Productivity & Time Management Planner” AND, if you grab it soon, you can save nearly 50%—no coupon needed.

The 21-page step-by-step planner covers:

Step 1: Know Your Productivity Type

Are you the type of task-driven person who cannot stand seeing unchecked boxes on your “to do” list? Or are you driven by deadlines and can’t seem to get started until a hard deadline is looming on your projects? Knowing your productivity type can help you prioritize your work so you can accomplish more in your day.

Exercise: Identify your productivity type.

Step 2: Discover Your Energy Peak Time

Have you noticed that you seem to be more efficient at your job during certain hours of the day than others? Most people have times when all pistons are firing. During these times you are revved and ready to roll. You also have times when it’s all you can do to keep your eyes open.

Exercise: Schedule your tasks according to this Action Priority Matrix
Exercise: Track your energy peaks + valleys during the day; find a pattern + work on your “Quick Wins” and “Major Projects” during those PEAK times

Step 3: Get Yourself a Simple Kitchen Timer

The idea that a simple kitchen timer can help you eke out a momentous amount of added productivity in your day. It is, however, a tried and true tactic that has helped many seasoned professionals accomplish so much more in less time.

Exercise: Which tasks and projects need your undivided attention? Which tasks can you delegate?
Exercise: Set yourself up for success by eliminating known distractions.

Step 4: Make Friends with Your Calendar

Your calendar is something you may look at every single day when working, but is it a useful tool or do you mostly take it for granted? It’s something that is always there and, quite frankly, underutilized by the masses.

Exercise: Which calendar is your perfect match?

Step 5: Batch Your Tasks, Theme Your Weeks

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Exercise: Create your weekly themes

Step 6: Schedule Your Down Time

Taking regular down time is essential for keeping pace with a productive schedule and maintaining your creativity and passion for your business.

Exercise: Schedule down time into your days
Exercise: Create a vision board (or add photos to your current vision board) of relaxing things or places you want to try.

Step 7: Review, Reconsider, Rework

It is essential that you take the time, at least once each year, to determine what is working for you and what is not.

Exercise: Reflect on what productivity tasks work best for you, which you need to do more often, and which ones you want to dump

What can you do with this planner? Here are 7 ideas to get you started:

• Use it to create a plan to better manage your time.

• After you’ve used the planner, put together a case study based on your own results and sell your system as a workshop or e-course or webinar.

• Create an opt-in from a portion of this planner to grow your lists.

• Gather experts and host a telesummit about productivity and use this planner as one of your upsells.

• Offer this planner and a quick tutorial video as a bonus when people purchase your favorite paper planner through your affiliate link.

• Design a 7-day challenge around this planner (or an 8 week e-course) walking your audience through each step with a video, audio, or guest expert interview.

• Work through this planner with your clients to help them create their own time management action plan. Once it’s planned offer them a package where you’ll implement it for them (or have your team implement it).

Acquire your planner for the offer price of $19 which stays valid until July 31st and make it a valuable business asset today.

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