Can this video player increase your conversions by 785%?

The guys who created Social Vidio have just incorporate every possible Internet marketing innovation they had come across in their final product.

This outstanding next-gen video player comes packed with over 42+ cool features that help increase leads and boost sales in your business in any niche.

With powerful features like:

– Integration with sites like Dropbox, Google Drive, Copy, YouTube, Amazon S3, Easy Web Video, and autoresponders like Aweber, GetResponse, iContact, ActiveCampaign, Sendlane etc.

– Playable on any platform; WordPress, Your HTML site, ClickFunnels, OptimizePress, LeadPages, and even RIGHT INSIDE THE FACEBOOK NEWSFEED!

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– Commercial License (use if for clients!)

– Video Analytics (know drop-off rates and place annotations and buttons right there where your video needs them > increasing viewers attention and retention, hot stuff!)

That’s scratching the tip.

Watch this demo and grab your discounted copy for lifetime access!