Undo The 8 Spiritual Blocks To Financial Freedom

Mindvalley Presents…T. Harv Eker!

If you have been struggling with a limiting belief that being both financially successful and a good, spiritual person are mutually exclusive…

Then congratulations, your battle is about to end.

T. Harv Eker is going to help you undo the mental shackles holding you (and your wallet) back in his brand new masterclass.

T. Harv Eker went from zero to a millionaire in only two-and-a-half years…using the exact principles you are about to learn.
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He is now the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller “Secrets of The Millionaire Mind” and creator of the globally successful Millionaire Mind Intensive seminars.

During his 12 years of struggle, he vowed that should he ever get rich, he would help others do the same.

And now he’s keeping his promise by helping you and the other over 1.5 million people he has already helped to move closer to their goal of true financial freedom.

In this brand new masterclass, Harv will reveal