Giving Up On Your Dreams Is Not An Option by Wayne Burke

It can be quite disheartening when you think about all the hours you spend trying to achieve success, and the lack of results to show for it. It is at this point that many give up on their dream of taking charge of their destiny.

Here are 3 steps to take when you feel like giving up:

1. Use Your Patience

We currently live in an “instant” society. If it takes too long, there is usually a faster alternative…and thus we get spoiled.

When you see a great singer, actress, business person, etc…what’s usually hidden from view is what they had to go through to get to that point…all the hard work, failures, sleepless nights, etc. Try to reflect on this when you feel like success is taking too long. If it’s worth doing, then it shouldn’t matter how long it takes…keep that dream alive.

2. Adjust Your Focus

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From now on, start focusing on what you want instead of what you fear. Fill your mind with positive messages by reading books, going to seminars, listening to motivational speakers while you drive, etc. Also, focus on learning as much as you can about your area of business, especially from those who have already achieved success. Prove to yourself the truth in the statement…knowledge cures fear.

3. Realize That You Are Not Unique

It’s okay to feel discouraged at times…accept it as a natural part of going after your dreams…as the saying goes…it goes with the territory. I challenge you to have conversations with a few successful people, and you will realize that they, at some point on their journey felt discouraged and thought about giving up.

What kept them going…a burning desire…an insatiable hunger…a powerful why…a situation where they had no other choice but to succeed. A great way to strengthen your “I REFUSE TO QUIT” muscle is to get in the habit of reading autobiographies/biographies of others who have surmounted great obstacles in the pursuit of their dreams.

Giving up is easy! However, do you want to look back a year from now with regret…wishing that you had given your dream all that you’ve got within you…patience, courage, determination, focus, belief, faith…and the list goes on and on. “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”…take the 3 steps I have provided to help you on your journey to being UNSTOPPABLE!