PLR Offer: “Money Mindset” Content Bundles

Have you seen the 3 latest content bundles from Piggy Makes Bank’s Money Mindset series?

The matter of finance is always a daily challenge and so all the bundles apply to everyone—families, young people just starting out, people getting ready to retire or anyone that needs to get a handle on their money management skills.

Each bundle includes 10 PLR articles, 10 e-mails and 10 social media posts. A short description of each bundle:

1) Money Mindset: How to KEEP More Of Your Hard Earned Money

News reports are rife with stories that talk about the lack of education surrounding money. Give your readers some guidance on bettering their money mindset to make their future brighter than it might have been.

2) Money Mindset: How To SAVE More Of Your Hard Earned Money

Saving money is important for so many reasons. It’s a fundamental component of financial security. Having a savings in place allows you a great deal of freedom, along with providing peace of mind in times of need.

3) Money Mindset: How To GROW Your Hard Earned Money

How much money can you live on starting from the first day you stop working? Saving for retirement means you need to grow your retirement capital to begin with. Discover simple ways to start investing, investment options, setting up financial goals and more.

Now is the time to inform your readers about the different ways they can take charge of their financial lives. Share the articles on your blog, use them in your newsletter, or compile them into a fresh new lead magnet. Then promote the content using the included e-mails and social media posts.

[$334 Discount] “Money Mindset” Workshop Suite With Full Rights

Entrepreneurship probably isn’t always what your clients dreamed it would be.

Spending their days in an office with no one to talk to but the dog can take a toll on their sanity.

Worse, those less-than-supportive voices in their head keep telling them that they’ll never live up to their dream of being that coach, the one everyone turns to for help, and who’s paid really well for simply offering their opinions.

Pretty soon they begin to believe thoughts like these…

You won’t ever earn a 6-figure salary, and never mind even dreaming about 7 figures.

No one will ever pay top dollar just to hear what you have to say.

You really aren’t that special—there are a million other coaches just like you.

But even though they pick themselves up each and every day and continue to carry on and yes, even make a respectable living, there’s something missing.

Negative self-talk about money undermines their self-confidence.

And it continues to do so long after your clients tune that voice out and get back to work.

It’s not just today’s thoughts that are holding them back, either.

Money blocks work their way into their psyche and hang out there for years, wreaking havoc on your clients lives and happiness, and they probably don’t even know it’s happening.

Maybe their parents instilled a scarcity mindset in them as a child, and they simply can’t shake it now that they’re a successful adult.

Maybe an ex-partner made them feel selfish for “spending too much” on clothes or vacations (even though they didn’t).

Or maybe a high-school teacher’s offhand remark about their potential (or lack of it) is still rattling around in their head.

Whatever their situation, one thing is certain: You know that their mindset about money directly effects their income.

Your clients believe that small but insistent voice that says, “Your market won’t pay more” or “You don’t know enough to charge that” or even “You don’t have what it takes to earn a 6-figure income”.

And when they believe it, it becomes true.

But you know that there’s a simple solution, and it all starts with a mindset shift.

And now, using CoachGlue’s exclusive Money Mindset Bundle, you can take your clients by the hand and walk them through the steps they need to take to change their beliefs around money once and for all, so they can finally:

Gain the confidence they need to charge what they’re really worth (it’s probably at least double what they’re currently charging)

Set and achieve those really BIG goals that they see so many other coaches making (Travel more? Yes! Speaking engagements? Absolutely! Time for charity work? You better believe it!)

Let go of the scarcity mindset so they can reach for their dreams with confidence and determination (rather than shrinking back in fear)

But you’ve only got TODAY to grab this done-for-you workshop suite (and save $334!), and then this deal is gone!

PLR Offer: “Busting Your Money Blocks” Planner

Do you know the mental money blocks that are preventing you from getting rich?

Most probably not. The truth is these blocks reside in your subconscious for longer than you would dare to admit, but we can be hesitant to “man up” and confront them.

Some of the crap we carry about money is honestly ridiculous.

“Wealthy people are greedy.” I call B.S. Some of the most generous, kind people I know are wealthy. Having more money and power makes it easier to make a difference and an impact with the causes that pull at your heart.

“I just want to help people. I’m not doing this to get rich.” Oh, no. As long as you think this thought, you surely won’t be. You CAN help people AND become wealthy doing so.

Busting Your Money Blocks

CoachGlue releases their latest planner called “Busting Your Money Blocks” and if you grab it soon, you can save nearly 50%—no coupon needed.

Also let you know that there is a special Money Mindset Bundle offer that you’ll see after you get the planner.

With the Money Mindset Bundle, you’ll get both of these for 75% off:

• Money Mindset to Help You Soar Workshop ($297 value)
• 7 Ways to Manifest More Money in Your Business ($97 value)

If you want the Money Mindset Bundle only, you can get it here.

Both these packages will be very helpful towards enlightening your clients about their own money beliefs.