[FREE bootcamp] Automate your lead generation (even if you HATE technology)

Wanted to make sure you knew about this business bootcamp that Josh Turner and his team at LinkedSelling are hosting for FREE…”Create An Automated Sales Process In Just 5 Days Or Less” starting March 18th!

They’ve designed it so that all you need is just 20 minutes a day for 5 days to build a massive list of prospects, warm them up and lead them toward booking a sales appointment, consultation, or strategy session…all on autopilot.

A way to get more leads that gives you more time? I’m in.

Retail is normally $997, but they’ve waived the price for this session.

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“This is the finest system, content, and presentation I’ve ever encountered. I’m an old man and I believe this is “It” that I have searched for my entire career. I am in awe. The best 5 days I’ve ever committed time to. I have my prospect list(s) done. 80% of my sequential campaign is complete. You are correct; knowledge without follow-through and taking action will produce no results. Today I will enter my email list into Connect 365. I will hit my “Go” button [no later] than Monday. With sincere gratitude.” – Greg S on Day 3

“This is AWESOME! Come hell or high water, I’m launching today!” – Maddin C. on Day 4

Click here to register while it’s still free.