[FREE] “10-Minute Meditation for Focus and Success” PLR Package

10-Minute Meditation for Focus and Success

If you are in the business of improving people’s lives, you ought to pick up Alice Seba’s “10-Minute Meditation for Focus and Success” PLR package for FREE. It includes a detailed report to help your readers start their meditation practice and a checklist to keep them on track.

The package comes with the following:

• 10-Minute Meditation for Focus and Success PLR report (4,270 words/4 images): Teaches how people can start incorporating meditation into their daily life.

• Detailed Meditation Checklist (2 pages/273 words): You also get a detailed checklist that will help people stay on track as they start their meditation practice.

• Lead-Generating Opt-in Page: To help them grow their list with this content, we’ve included the opt-in copy and the WordPress-ready code. We even host the images!

• Professionally Designed E-Cover Set: .JPG and .PSD with flat cover and 4 x 3D versions to go with the report to help their opt-ins stand out.

Here are a few ideas for using the content:
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• Use the planner and report as highly-targeted lead magnets to grow your list. You’ve got the ready-to-paste opt-in copy for each included in the package, making it easy for you to make a hard-to-resist opt-in offer to get more subscribers.

• Add the planner or report to your membership site. If you’ve got a membership site, this report and planner would be a great value-add to your membership. Send them out by e-mail or even print out and mail them.

• Use the planner or report as a product bonus. Beef up your current product offers by adding the planner and report as a product bonus.

• Develop them into a product for sale. Whether you deliver via e-mail or snail mail, this content makes for great content your customers are willing to pay for.

• Create an online training program around the content. For example, you could build a course all about gaining more confidence using the report and planner. It’s the central point of your training as you walk your customers through tips on gaining more confidence and how it can help them get everything they want out of life.

• Offer the content as a high value extra for your coaching and consulting clients. If you offer coaching or consulting services, this content is a great way to help your clients take action and stay on track.

Just a few ideas to get you going, but now it’s your turn to run with them. Go get this very special private label rights content package for FREE. Ain’t it a great start to the new year?