Is your lead magnet still doing its job?

I know you know how important list building is for your small business. That’s why you have an e-mail platform, and you’ve created one or more opt-in incentives to encourage sign ups.

But if it’s been a while since you put that lead magnet out there, it might be time for a check-up.

See, old lead magnets have a way of losing steam. Just like last year’s fashion accessories, they can look a bit dated. They also have a way of collecting broken links, off-brand images, and language that’s all wrong for your audience.

All of which means that once great lead magnet may not be doing your list building efforts any favors. In fact, you might just be wasting time or even money by driving traffic to less-than-impressive opt-in offers.

Here’s how to fix that. In Cindy Bidar’s newest course, she’s breaking down the must-have elements of a successful lead magnet, and showing you exactly how you can know if your opt-in offers are pulling their weight, or just making you look less than pro.

Lead Magnet Makeover

With Lead Magnet Makeover, you’ll get 7 video lessons (plus a bonus lesson from Kelly McCausey) along with fillable workbooks to help you:

• Evaluate your existing offers so you can know whether they’re still working for you.
• Finally understand exactly what makes some lead magnets so profitable, while others never earn their keep.
• Know once and for all if you’re even creating the right kinds of lead magnets for your audience.
• Breathe new life into those stale lead magnets, or even create brand new offers from scratch following Cindy’s step-by-step system.

Makeover your lead magnets right now, and face next year with a better list building plan.