3 Major Problems With Split-Testing And How They Are Already Solved

Split Test MonkeyIf you’re like a lot of marketers, you might think split-testing is a hassle.

Maybe you do it, but not as much as you should because of the hassle. Or maybe you’ve never even tried, just because the whole thing seems like more trouble than it’s worth.

You know what? We used to feel the same way. Split-testing was cumbersome. It was confusing. And we didn’t really get a whole lot of benefit from it…at FIRST.

But then we figured out where we were going wrong, and everything changed. Suddenly our conversions were higher. Sales were going up. Our mailing lists & revenue were both growing. So what changed? What did we do to turn things around?

We figured out the solutions to the 3 common problems that most everyone we talk to has had (maybe you have too?). Here’s what we discovered:

Problem 1: Not Knowing Where to Start

When you really look at your business, there are just TONS of things you can test. It’s easy to get distracted for weeks at a time and start testing the things that don’t really matter. And when that happens, you don’t get much benefit. Which makes split-testing seem like it’s not worth the trouble. If you want to get the most out of your split testing, then here’s what you need to do…

Focus on testing those factors that are going to have the BIGGEST impact on your conversion rates. Sure, it’s cool to discover something that will give your campaigns a 15% lift in conversions. But it’s much more profitable to focus on tests that can generate huge lifts—we’re talking doubling or tripling your conversion rates.

Problem 2: Split-Testing Requires Techie Skills

A lot of marketers really excel at marketing, but the whole tech side of thing isn’t really their forte. Problem is, so many testing tools require you to install a script on your site, customize this script, and then jump through all sorts of technical hoops just to get one split-test off the ground.

That may sound like a code geek’s dream. But for everyone else, it’s a nightmare. And it’s the kind of nightmare that can totally turn you off of the idea of split-testing altogether.

The good news is that there is now a solution to this big problem. And that solution is to use web-based testing software. When you use web-based tools (which we’ll tell you about one in just a few moments), you don’t need to download, install or customize anything.

You don’t need any techie skills. All you have to do is log into a dashboard, create your split-test, and you’re literally ready to go in just a few minutes with a few clicks of your mouse. It’s super easy! And finally…

Problem 3: Split Testing Practically Requires a PhD In Statistics

Split-testing used to be really confusing. That’s because so many of the split-testing tools were designed for statisticians and uber-geeks. We mean these tools were being used by guys with pocket protectors whose sole job was to crunch numbers for a multi-million dollar enterprise.

So the good news is that today’s tools, like Split Test Monkey, are a huge improvement over those complex tools of yesterday. Split Test Monkey is powerful enough for big business, but easy enough to use for a complete beginner. And you don’t need to know a lick about statistics, because these tools do the number crunching for you.

Today might be the day you finally see split testing as simple, quick and yes, even fun. Get a copy of Split Test Monkey and save yourself 20% when you enter discount code MONKEY20 at checkout!

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