Brad Callen reveals how he thinks about SEO.

Anyone who has a website obviously wants it to rank as well as possible with the search engines and especially with the largest search engine of all, Google. Getting a higher search engine ranking means more visitors to your site, which means more money for you. In this article you’ll get some very important tips for how to improve search engine ranking with Google.

The exact way to get a great search engine ranking isn’t exactly known. This is because Google uses a proprietary formula to rank websites and nobody knows what the precise formula is. Plus Google changes the formula regularly. But there are some important criteria that Google uses and if you concentrate on these areas then your sites will rank very well with Google.

1. Backlinks: One of the major criteria Google uses to rank websites is the number of links that go to your site. These links are called ‘backlinks’ since they lead back to your site. The more backlinks your site has the better it will rank.

2. Quality of content: You want to have good content on your site and you want the content to all relate. Google will look to make sure that you have related topics. The more related topics you have, the more information on one subject, the higher your site will rank. If your site is sparse of unrelated information then Google will penalize it.

3. Visitor’s time on site: Another important factor for search engine ranking, one that’s often overlooked, is the time visitors spend on your site. If people click on your site then immediately click back out then that tells Google that your site must not be any good. Therefore your site will get knocked down in the rankings.

4. Age: The longer your site has existed the better it will rank.
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5.Keywords: You want to make sure you include important keywords throughout your site. And then you also want to make sure you include related keywords too. This will help your site come up when the keywords are searched and it will also tell Google that your site is full of great information. This will greatly help your ranking.

These are the 5 very important tips for how to improve search engine ranking with Google. If you concentrate on these f5 things then you will improve your site’s rankings over time. The good thing (or bad thing depending how you look at it) is the higher you rank the easier it is to rise to the top. It’s like getting a giant ball rolling down hill. So focus on these 5 aspects for how to improve search engine ranking with Google, and you will see better and better results.

SEO Mindset

Hot off the press! Brad Callen, the creator of SEO Elite spent a great deal of the past year creating this e-book on how to get top search engine rankings in Google, Yahoo!, and MSN.

SEO Mindset contains 100% of everything he knows about search engine optimization and he guarantees you’ll be an expert yourself on how to get top rankings. Enjoy this one.

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