Discover how to get paid while building your e-mail list

You probably know the importance of building an e-mail list, but it always came with a cost though. There’s the price you pay for an e-mail platform, the time and energy you spend creating freebies and landing pages, and don’t forget any actual money you spend on paid ads.

If you don’t have a plan for that list, it can turn into a liability instead of an asset. Believe me, I paid for list building for years without ever turning it into a profitable branch of my business.

What if every subscriber actually paid you though? What if your e-mail list went from liability to asset instantly, without that whole nurture step in between?

What’s more, what if you were able to build instant trust with new subscribers by showing off your expertise in a way they’ll value far more than just another freebie left sitting on their hard drive?

That’s what tripwire marketing is all about.

A tripwire is simply a low-cost product a new subscriber sees immediately after he or she opts in for your free gift. They’re easy to create, easy to sell, and—when done strategically—lead to much higher ticket sales down the road (and without weeks of nurturing). So tripwires are simply a clever strategy to encourage new subscribers to get to know you and your products better by making a small, risk-free purchase.

Of course, there’s a bit more to it than that. You have to have the right offer in place, at the right price, and it helps to instill a true sense of urgency to encourage fast action.

The Tripwire Toolkit

Cindy Bidar is covering all that and more inside her brand new checklist pack, The Tripwire Toolkit. She is giving you all the strategies and planning tools you need to plan, create, set up, and profit from tripwire offers.

If you’re building a mailing list, then you need to put this strategy in place. It will make all the difference in the engagement levels of your community, not to mention your bottom line.

P.S. Read her blog post “How (And Why) To Set Up A Tripwire Funnel“.