4 ways to make your brand stand out

1. Go slow in a world of speed: Each Rolex takes a year to manufacture. The perception that a longer process is needed to build the world’s best timepiece also reinforces the value.

2. Use country of origin to your advantage: Brands from Switzerland are highly associated with precision and fine craftsmanship. Seek to build brand associations with countries that support your reputation for service, manufacturing, innovation etc.

3. Behave differently: Online shoe retailer Zappos has built its advantage on an iron-clad return policy and customer service that goes above and beyond, breaking down the perceived barriers of selling and buying shoes online.
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4. Look different: Apple always looks like Apple. Diesel always looks like Diesel. Absolut Vodka always looks like Absolut. They’re in a sector but they don’t look like part of the sector.

Source: Branding Strategy Insider, Derrick Daye, “50 Ways to Differentiate Your Brand”