PLR Offer: Offline Business Startup Checklists by Kevin Fahey

IM Checklist Volume 12: Offline Business Startup

Kevin Fahey’s latest checklist addition “IM Checklist Volume 12: Offline Business Startup” is a series of checklists showing you how to build a SOLID long-term business that will be here tomorrow, and for many years to come.

Inside, you’ll get 18 step-by-step checklists that will guide you through the whole process of starting your very own startup! And most importantly it will show you how to do it successfully!
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This right here is a PROVEN process to building 6- and 7-figure businesses, which you can replicate and start building your own empire.

You have all the information you need to reference and start quickly. Kevin gives you literally EVERYTHING, and he couldn’t have made it any simpler with checklists at a glance.

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