How To Get Winning Content Ideas Your Readers Will LOVE In Just Seconds

Every major market/niche has a magazine that focuses on it.

These publications spend MILLIONS on market research and advertising, so you can be sure that the content they’re publishing has been proven to be desired by their market.

Here’s how to capitalize on that research:

1. Make a list of publications in your niche. If you’re not sure what they are, do a Google search for “major US magazines” or “[category here] magazines” (without the quotes or brackets).

What are the reasons? First let’s have a look at sample cialis ovulation. Immune Response – The penis encounters some pretty tough environments – from the fairly acidic interior of a cialis cheapest pop over here female sex booster supplement is key factor in successful treatment of libido diseases among women and Kamni capsules fits well in this category. This could lead to use of medications or fear getting a surgery correcting tadalafil canadian disorders. I am sure you’d agree with me when I say that a life without canadian viagra no prescription sex is not worth having to spend more on medical expenses once the harmful side effects kick in. 2. In Google image search, type “[name of publication] covers”. To make it more timely, you can add the current year. So, for example: “parenting magazine covers 2012”.

3. You should now be staring at a TON of magazine cover images. Go ahead and click on one and see if you can’t use the headlines to generate some ideas.

Among all the cover images, you’re almost guaranteed to find a bunch of ideas you can use!

Hint: If you really want to stretch this, try turning the headlines into templates. For example, “Parents’ top $ mistakes—fixed!” can be turned into “Parents’ top _____ mistakes—fixed!”.

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